Alessia Zuccarello

Total 45 Posts
Sometimes I think of myself as a discordian relativist natural pantheist, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'm an old girl in a malfunctioning shell, sometimes I'm an ill-educated philosopher, sometimes I'm a scholar in early modern history. Sometimes I'm a graphic designer, sometimes I'm a writer, sometimes I'm a company administrator, sometimes I'm a curious animal, sometimes I'm a misanthropist, sometimes I'm a good friend. One thing is sure: I'm not the same thing all the time.

To France – Parte 1

Ci eravamo ripromessi da tanto tempo di fare un viaggio in Provenza. Io ci ero stata solo di passaggio, Alessio mai. Ci siamo presi dieci giorni e abbiamo messo insieme un itinerario non troppo originale, basandoci sui suggerimenti della guida Lonely Planet e sui miei ricordi e ricerche su internet.

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Riflessioni sulla lettura: La lingua che cambia

La lingua che cambia di Manuela Manera: ottimo testo per comprendere le dinamiche linguistiche sociali. Chiarisce bene il carattere discriminante del maschile sovraesteso, l’impatto sociale del sessismo discorsivo. Tuttavia non è un testo accademico e presenta una connotazione politica evidente, cosa chiaramente nelle intenzioni dell’autrice che lo specifica a fine

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Back behind the lens

A degree in photography cannot be just thrown in the bin, as much as my teacher did the best he could to push me away from the camera.I find my place in a world in black and white and shades of grey. I like to observe the tiny creatures that

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A Wide Belt of Space

It’s a bit of a song I’m writing, this clip was recorded with my phone. I’m still learning how to play and sing decently simultaneously. I never felt like I fully belonged to any of the art worlds, because I am not an illustrator, not a comic artist, not a

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